Helps maintain consistent states of charge and health (SoC, SoH) across cells of varying quality and residual health, as well as bypassing failed cells.
Failed cells have no effect on battery voltage and can be replaced later. They are deactivated in real time without the involvement of the BMS controller.
The BMS loads the cells with the highest charge, keeping weaker cells idle to save their cycles and avoid load stress. Cell control can be implemented at several management levels.
Depending on configuration, the battery can provide a range of output voltages to support various application targets.
The battery can automatically load fewer cells at once to attenuate voltage or more cells to maintain a stable voltage output when the power runs out.
Batteries with mixed cell chemistry can address both peak loads (for example, faster acceleration) and battery autonomy (to provide extra range).
Can support user upgrades to scale capacity over time or to replace cell modules without affecting voltage or disrupting battery operation.
Cells, cell packs, and batteries last longer, reducing the amount of decommissioned material ending up in landfills or recycling.
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